ChatGPT cheatsheet

This cheat sheet lists out prompts and tips from all over the world on how to use ChatGPT effectively

Getting Started


  • Name your business or idea

Can you suggest a creative name for my tech startup? ·  Help me come up with a catchy name for my bakery business.

  • Create an outline for a course or training program

Please create an outline for a course on web development for beginners. ·  Can you make a training program outline for a customer service workshop?

  • Ask you interview questions for a specific job

I’m interviewing for a software engineer position, can you give me some interview questions? ·  Please provide me with some common interview questions for a marketing manager role.

  • Give you gift ideas for business partners, customers, or clients

I need gift ideas for my clients, can you help? ·  What are some unique gifts I can give to my business partners?

  • Choose a random contest winner(s) from a long list of names or emails

I want to choose a winner from a list of 100 names, can you help? ·        Can you randomly pick 5 email addresses from a list of 1000 for a giveaway contest?



  • Explain why a piece of code isn’t working

·  Why this code is not working?var x = 5;var y = 0;console.log(x/y);

  • Explain what a piece of code means

·  What this code does?function addNumbers(a, b) {    return a + b;}

  • Rewrite the code using the specified language

·  Translate this code into Python:function addNumbers(a, b) {    return a + b;}

  • Code an entire software program

Write a program that calculates the factorial of a given number in python? ·  How do I make an HTTP request in Javascript?

  • Generate regular expressions (regex)

Create a regex that matches all email addresses? Generate 8-digit password regex

  • · Add comments to your codebase

·  Add comments to this code: function addNumbers(a, b) {    return a + b;}

  • Change the CSS of a line of code

·  Update the CSS for this line to change the font color to blue?<p class=”example”>Hello, QuickRef.ME!</p>

  • Change the HTML of a line of code

·        Add a class of “header” to this header tag?·        <h1>Hello, QuickRef.ME!</h1>



  • Creating email campaigns

Email inviting Jack to dinner on the weekend Create an email sequence for our new customer onboarding process

  • · Format and proofread email

·  Proofread and format this email I just wrote:Hello, do you have any actual tips or tricks for ChatGPT please?

  • Provides tips for effective email marketing

Give me some tips on how to increase open and click-through rates for my email campaigns Suggest ways to make my email content more engaging and relevant to my subscribers.

  • · Automate email responses

·  Email him, “That’s a good suggestion, it’s coming soon”: Hello, do you have any actual tips or tricks for ChatGPT please?

  • Extract email address from text

·        Extract all email addresses for me: ·        Sed sit amet sodales [email protected], at [email protected] enim. [email protected] ut eros



  • Help create a spreadsheet formula

·  Can you help me create a formula to calculate the sum of cells A1 to A10?

  • Explain a formula to you

·  Can you explain the meaning of the formula =SUM(A1:A10) in simple terms?

  • Create dummy data for placeholders

·  Can you generate dummy data for me to use as placeholders in my spreadsheet?

  • Help create a complex macro

·  I need to create a macro that calculates the average of cells B1 to B10 and inserts the result in cell C1. Can you help me with that?

  • Provide tips for improving spreadsheet efficiency

·        Can you give me some tips on how to improve the efficiency of my spreadsheet?


Social Media

  • Give you ideas for memes on any topic

·  Can you give me some meme ideas for [dogs] ?

  • Give you an idea for a post that can drive engagement on any topic

·  I want to create a post about climate change that can engage my followers. Can you help me with some ideas?

  • Generate hashtags and captions

·  I need some hashtags and a caption for a picture of a scenic sunset. Can you generate some for me?

  • Offer suggestions reply

·        I just received an message asking about the status of a project. Can you suggest a reply for me?



  • Summarize long selections of text

·  Can you please summarize this article for me? [your text]

  • Translate foreign languages

·  Can you translate this sentence into Spanish? [your text]

  • Books that are like another book

·        Can you recommend books similar to ‘The Hunger Games’?



  • Create an AI design prompt for you

·  Can you help me generate a design prompt for a logo for a new sports brand?

  • Suggestions on thumbnails for blogs or videos

·  Can you recommend some eye-catching thumbnail designs for my latest YouTube video on healthy eating?

  • Font pairings

·  Can you suggest a font pairing for a travel blog header design?

  • Color pairings

·        Can you recommend a color palette for a wedding photography website?


Analyzing Data

  • Pull out numbers from large chunks of text

·  Please extract all the numbers from this text: [your text]

  • Create tables from the text or data you provide

·  Can you create a table from this data?: [your data]

  • Filter data from large lists

·        Please filter this list based on certain criteria: [your list]


Paid Ads

  • Give you ad creative ideas

·  Give me ad creative ideas for a new product launch.

  • Review the tracking code for errors (tag manager, etc.)

·  Review my tag manager code for errors

  • Give you ad copy ideas

·  Suggest ad copy for a [travel] company

  • Facebook audience suggestions

·  Recommend a Facebook audience for a clothing line ad campaign

  • Create body text, headlines and/or calls to action for your ads

·        Create headlines, body text, and calls to action for a new fitness program ad.


Amazon FBA

  • Write or rewrite your product descriptions

·  Please help me write a new and compelling product description for my latest item.

  • Write or rewrite appeal letters

·  I need help rewriting my appeal letter to make it more persuasive.

  • Write or rewrite supplier outreach emails

·  Can you please help me write an effective email to reach out to potential suppliers?

  • Help you find items that could be sold as bundles

·  Please suggest some items that would make a good bundle for our customers.

  • Organize product and pricing data

·        Can you help me organize my product and pricing information into a neat and manageable spreadsheet?



  • Create titles for any of your creative writing projects

·  Titles for my short story collection: [your article]

  • Create outlines

·  Outline for an essay on exercise

  • Generate content ideas

·  Ideas for a blog on sustainable fashion?

  • Summarize any text you give it

·  Summarize this article on renewable energy? [your article]

  • Create entire blog posts

·  Blog post on [financial planning] ?

  • Expand on a sentence, paragraph, or long text selection

·  Expand this sentence on jazz music? [your sentence]

  • Change the tone of your writing

·  Change tone of this report to conversational? [your report]

  • Proofread or edit your writing

·  Proofread this article? [your article]

  • Format text with headings (great for blog posts)

·  Format headings for my blog post? [your post]

  • Check any text for bias

·  Check this article for bias? [your article]

  • Detect plagiarism in any text

·  Detect plagiarism in this paper? [your paper]

  • Provide you with domain name ideas

·        Domain name for my [gardening blog] ?


Teachers/Course Creators

  • Turn a list of facts or statistics into multiple-choice quizzes

·  Can you turn this list of facts about world history into a multiple-choice quiz? [your list]

  • Assignment ideas on a specific topic

·  I need some ideas for a history assignment on the American Revolution. Can you suggest some?

  • Create assigned groups from a list of students

·  I have a list of 30 students in my class. Can you divide them into groups of 6 for group projects?

  • Create a curve based on test scores

·  I need to create a grading curve for my class based on their test scores. Can you help?

  • Grade an assignment

·        Can you grade this history essay and provide feedback on any areas for improvement?




  • Create timestamps from a transcript

·  Can you create timestamps for this transcript of a podcast episode? [your transcript]

  • Convert YouTube videos to blog posts with formatting

·  Can you turn this YouTube video about cooking into a blog post with headings and bullet points?

  • Come up with a video outline or script

·  I need an outline for a video about the benefits of meditation. Can you help?

  • Create a response to a comment

·  Can you write a thoughtful and polite response to this negative comment on my YouTube video?

  • Give you ideas for your thumbnails

·  I need some ideas for a thumbnail for my video on ‘DIY home decor’. Can you suggest some?

  • Analyze your script or transcript and tell you the tone of it

·  Can you analyze this script for a video about environmental issues and tell me what the tone is? [your script]

  • Video ideas on any topic

·        I want to make a series of videos about fashion. Can you suggest some ideas for individual episodes?



  • Help research anything that happened before 2021


  • Generate or find keywords
  • More ChatGPT prompts about SEO

Create meta descriptions and title tags for [topic] Find opportunities for internal linking related to [topic] Generate ideas for blog posts and article topics on [topic]

Research industry-specific terminology for use in [topic] content Find authoritative websites to acquire backlinks for [topic] content

Create an XML sitemap example related to [topic] Research the best meta tags for [topic]

Research the best internal linking structure for [topic] content Generate a list of questions people ask about [topic]

Create a list of the best alt tags for images related to [topic] Create a list of related subtopics for [topic]

Find the best time to publish content related to [topic] Research the best external linking strategies for [topic]

Find the most popular tools used for [topic] SEO

Create a list of potential influencers for [topic]

Research the best schema markup for [topic]

Find the best header tags for [topic] content

Create a list of potential link-building opportunities for [topic]

Research the best anchor text for [topic] backlinks

Create a list of potential guest blogging opportunities for [topic]

Research the best local SEO strategies for [topic]

Research the best analytics tools for [topic] website performance

Create a list of potential partnerships for [topic]

Research the best tactics for [topic] mobile optimization

Research the best tactics for [topic] e-commerce optimization.

Provide keyword clusters.

Create a list of potential affiliate marketing opportunities for [topic]

What are the best affiliate marketing websites for [topic]

What are the best tactics for [topic] international SEO

Create a list of potential podcast or podcast guest opportunities for [topic]

Research the best tactics for [topic]

Google My Business optimization

Find popular content topics related to [topic]

Research the best SEO tactics for [topic] and provide actionable steps

Create a list of potential video series or webinar ideas related to [topic]

Research competitor strategies related to [topic]

Find canonical tag examples related to [topic]

Create an example keyword list targeting multiple geographic locations for [topic]

Generate keyword ideas targeting different stages of the customer purchase funnel for [topic] ·

Identify industry hashtags related to [topic] .

