How PPCers can use ChatGPT in their day-to-day work?

Before we start with the examples few things that I would like to share.

  • All below are based on my personal initial tests
  • Keep in mind that the tool is still in beta which comes with some limitations, like incorrect information and limited knowledge of events after 2021
  • Always, always look at the output and think critically about the result. Think of if this sounds true or if it makes sense

Example 1 – Researching for Geo and Language targeting

13 Ideas for using Open AI ChatGPT in PPC 1

Example 2 – Keyword research

Tip: Information can be requested in spreadsheet format. You can also ask for the search volume.


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Example 3 – Keyword research 2 – Find Synonyms

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Example 4 – Keyword research 3 – Find generic keywords

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Example 5 – Competitor research

Tip Information can be requested in spreadsheet format. You can also ask for the search volume as well as for the URLs, which you can use when creating custom audiences

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Example 6 – Google Ads / Facebook Ads – Write Headlines

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Example 6 – Google Ads / Facebook Ads – Write Descriptions

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Example 7 – Google Ads / Facebook Ads – Ad Translation

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Example 8 – Facebook Ads / LinkedInAds – Job Titles

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All above are examples of building actual campaigns, but ChatGPT can be extremely helpful in your day-to-day client communication


Example 9 – Your little helper on the client’s phone calls

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Example 10 – Writing a follow-up email message from a call summary

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Example 11 – Grammar correction

Just ask to correct the grammar of a paragraph

Example 12 – Email/message sentiment check

Just write “Do a sentiment analysis of the text below”

Example 13 – Go wild – write a haiku for a colleague or a client. Make their day special

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Don’t forget at the end of the day everything goes down to human-to-human interactions, and this is the one and only that matters. Everything else is dust in the wind



Bonus Idea: Zapier integration

This was literally announced a few days ago and comes as a very powerful addition to OpenAI.

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